Frequently Asked Questions About Lens Replacement
What is involved in the procedure?
Accurate measurements will be taken of your eye by your surgeon to ensure the best possible outcome is achieved. The procedure itself is identical to a cataract operation. Your surgeon will have successfully performed many cataract operations where, after anaesthetising the eye the lens is removed with an ultrasound probe and a synthetic lens is implanted. The replacement lens is a multifocal lens. Presbyopia affects both eyes and best results are obtained by a correction in both eyes. You will usually be offered two separate appointments. Most patients notice an improvement in their vision within 1 day of the procedure. You should not feel any pain during the procedure or during the tests. You may feel ‘pressure sensations’ but these are not painful. If you close your eyes and apply slight pressure to your eye through a closed lid, by pressing with the palm of your hand, this creates a similar sensation.
What will my vision be like?
The aim is to greatly improve your vision. You should be able to carry out routine tasks and read normal size print without spectacles. As with all refractive procedures you may still need spectacles occasionally and you should also allow for an adjustment period to adapt to your new vision
It is normal to see halos around light sources at night, especially during the first few months after treatment. Your vision is a combination of what you actually ‘see’ and how the brain interprets this image. In the vast majority of cases, the halo’s will appear to ‘go away’ as the brain learns to ignore them. Some people describe glare off shiny objects and lights, which again is usually tolerable and can occur with any lens including your natural lens. For the vast majority of patients the benefits of this procedure outweigh the disadvantages, however, due to the reasons explained above you should mention to your doctor, if you drive at night on a regular basis.
Is PreLex safe?
Procedures carried out at LaserSight are technically advanced but also tried and tested with clinical data supporting benefits over risks. We aim to minimise risk of complication by ensuring all procedures, tests and measurements are carried out by our qualified, experienced Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeons
Before proceeding with PRELEX surgery you will need a consultation with one of the surgeons to confirm suitability and anticipated outcome. The consultation will involve a thorough examination of your eyes and a discussion about your lifestyle and visual needs.